Visit Anglesey Abbey
The story of Anglesey Abbey
Lord Fairhaven lived at Anglesey Abbey from 1926 until his death in 1966. During that time, he established a pleasing rural house with antiques from the beginning of the Tudor era until the 1960s. But his mansion has an interesting and rich history, dating back more than 900 years.
Anglesey Abbey Lode Mill
At the time of the “Domestag survey” in 1086, a watermill was presumably located at the location of Lode Mill. In the seventeenth century, the mound stands today probably. In 1793, the mill was described as “Anglesea watermill with its house, courtyard, garden, lawn, outhouse and stables and a neighbouring three acres of pastures.” The home adjacent to the mile is seen by old pictures. The home was demolished during the 1930s remodeling.