Did you know that the Tansy Beetle, an endangered species, may be found in Askham Bryan Wildlife Park? The Askham Bryan Wildlife Park keeps a colony of Tansy Beetles in a Tansy Beetle ark. The Tansy beetle is an uncommon species that may be found along the River Ouse in York.
The Tansy Beetle is asking other members of their York community to join since they are a member of their community.
You’ll be tasked with painting eight massive insect sculptures! After they’ve been painted, they’ll travel on tour in York for “The Jewel of York Trail.”
Please contact them if you reside in York and have a safe place to exhibit the beetle for people to see, such as a store window. This will be a fantastic opportunity to bring people back to York via this socially distant activity during this difficult year. Will you be able to track down all of them?