St Mary Redcliffe is not just a Gothic masterpiece, but also a highly diverse parish in one of the more deprived areas of Bristol and home to a growing, inclusive congregation. This parish church has stood for over 800 years as a witness to the glory of God, the skill of craftsmen and women, and the faithfulness of generations of Christians.
The current generation of ‘SMR’ is a diverse community: old and young, rich and poor; Bristol-born and migrants to the city; Redcliffe through-and-through and newcomers to the church; diverse in ethnic background & cultural identity and in relationships & family circumstances; with varying levels of physical & mental health & ability and understanding of gender & expression of sexual identity.
What binds this ‘diverse community’ is a growing sense of vocation, of purpose within the society, to be a church that is…
Singing the song of faith and justice.
And they are actively exploring how to live this out as a:
- thriving, inclusive Christian community
- recognised, welcoming heritage destination
- church that makes a difference in the parish.
As a diverse community they do not share a single understanding on theological debates: but at the heart of the Christian faith they believe that every person is made in the likeness of God and reflects the image of God. They do their very best to welcome and include each and every person in the name of God who made us and loves us as we are for who we are.
May the glory of God enthral you,
the wonder of God inspire you,
and the love of God fill you.
The building is open daily for all to visit, reflect, pray, join in formal worship or simply “be”.