The show started with humble beginnings in 2010 and has steadily grown to now having over 200 vehicles attend during the day. In 2017 the Court Leet were asked if they could run the show as the paperwork and Health and Safety aspects were proving more onerous for the organisers. Due to Coronavirus and various restrictions the show took on a slightly different format in 2021 but was still hailed a great success.
The Court helps with the logistics of the event and is still overseen by Matt Phillips who started it back in 2010. There are a dedicated band of volunteers and with assistance from the Court in marshalling the event during the day.
This event is different from many other car shows because it is free to the owners of the displayed vehicles and there are no admission charges to the public. This was the overriding reason why the Court Leet became involved as we believe in showcasing our beautiful town and its events.
Warwick’s Classic Car Show 2023 will take place on Sunday 13th August
The event is open from 9am until 4pm. Pre-booking is not required, please arrive early to ensure you get a parking space. This event only allows vehicles pre1990.