In a world where the abnormal has become normal, being your best self just got a bit more challenging. The ‘workplace’ is now the ‘homeplace’, your teams may now be far-flung and chaos is the new black. This new world requires brave new thinking.
If they can cultivate a ‘can do’ attitude then anything is possible, so all their training programmes are front loaded with positive psychology.
The main ingredient is cutting edge content. Add some humour and thought-provoking activities. Chuck in a bit of happiness and a dash of positivity. Voila!
Dr Andy Cope is a qualified teacher, best-selling author, happiness expert and recovering academic.
Andy’s Loughborough University PhD was 12 years in the making and while he appreciates that his ‘Dr of Happiness’ label is terribly cheesy it does afford him an important media platform. In times of rising depression and an epidemic of anxiety, Andy believes there has never been a more appropriate time to raise the wellbeing agenda.
Andy is lucky enough to work with some very large businesses, including DHL, Kelloggs, Hewlett Packard, Astra Zeneca, Nationwide and UEFA. Recently, he has tailored his workshops to meet the needs of children and teachers and now delivers to audiences from age 8 upwards!
Andy’s books are frequently on the best-sellers list. ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’, ‘Shine’, ‘The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence’ and ‘Zest’ have all topped the personal development charts. ‘Happiness Route Map’ was nominated as The Independent’s best self-help book of 2018. In an attempt to bring the messages to a younger audience Andy has also penned ‘The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager’ and ‘Diary of a Brilliant Kid’.
Andy is a sought-after keynote speaker and authority on employee engagement, wellbeing and human flourishing. He’s done numerous TV and radio appearances as well as being featured in The Telegraph, Daily Mail and Esquire.
As for genuinely interesting asides, Andy is also a best-selling children’s author. His ‘Spy Dog’ series has sold in excess of a million copies worldwide (he bigs himself up by telling everyone he is world famous, if you’re 7)
Andy was born in the same year that England won the football world cup, he has pet pigs and has set up the hugely successful 2%ers club, the UK’s first, foremost and…err…only society for happy people.
His ambition is to be able to surf, brilliantly!
The Warmest of Welcomes
Welcome home. Welcome back to your best self.
It’s been a while!
Not surprising, considering what the world’s been dishing out. Pre-covid, school life was full-on; exam pressures, uncertainty, meetings, long hours and ‘busyness’. Outside of work there were family pressures; society, rush hour, social media, oh, and don’t forget the weather!
Then the epidemic of exhaustion gave way to a pandemic and everything changed.
Totally uninvited, the ‘new normal’ moved in. It dragged bubbles and track ‘n’ trace along with it. It’s also brought its slippers! Looks like the damn thing’s here to stay?
You 2.0
It’s time to quit coping and to cease waiting. If the light at the end of the tunnel has gone out, we must find a torch and light the way ourselves.
THE ART OF BEING BRILLIANT helps you shine by reconnecting you with you.
THE ART OF BEING BRILLIANT is your competitive advantage. It’s the spring in your step. In plain simple English, they want this to be the best training you have ever had. Whisper it quietly, but it might even change your life?