Over the last century, we have seen a loss of 97% of flower-rich grasslands. Helping to build resilience to drought and flood, while also providing a habitat for many of our threatened plants and the wildlife that depend on them, these grasslands are an important part of the British countryside. Over the next 6 years, we’ll be creating pockets of species-rich grassland across 70 miles of North Devon, from Torridge to West Exmoor. Alongside the benefits for nature and wildlife, the project will create open, accessible, beautiful, nature-rich places for everyone to enjoy. All the recently sown sites have public rights of way nearby, making it easy for visitors to spend time immersed in nature in the North Devon countryside.
Guided Wildflower Walk at Arlington Court
Each Friday a member of the grasslands project team will be leading this half mile walk and talk around the pleasure grounds, sharing information about the wildflowers sown here and currently blooming, the projects aims and the work taking place across north Devon to restore wildflower meadows.
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21 Jun -
28 Jun '24
Jun 21, 2024 0:00
Jun 28, 2024
Guided Wildflower Walk at Arlington Court
Each Friday a member of the grasslands project team will be leading this half mile walk and talk around the pleasure grounds, sharing information about the wildflowers sown here and currently blooming, the projects aims and the work taking place across north Devon to restore wildflower meadows.
Arlington, Barnstaple EX31 4LP
Opening Hours
11am - 1pm
Contact Information
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