Set up to showcase local talent and provide selling opportunities for artists, Coventry Open celebrates the quality and diversity of art being produced in Coventry and the wider West Midlands region. Their 2023 exhibition will be the twelfth Coventry Open, and the first to include a young people’s showcase, giving artists aged 15-18 a chance to exhibit their work in a professional gallery setting.
Visual artists working in any medium are invited to submit images and supporting information about their work via an online submissions portal opening in early January. Submitting your work for consideration is completely free and open to anyone in the West Midlands regardless of prior experience.
A £1000 prize is available for one winning entry chosen by the independent judging panel, who will select works for public display after submissions end on 13 February. An additional £500 prize will be awarded to the “people’s choice”, which will be chosen via a public voting system after the exhibition opens.
Over the coming weeks, a series of public Q&A sessions will take place online and in-person, where you can drop in to find out more about the project. Towards the end of January, technology support days will also be held for those requiring assistance with photographing or submitting their work online. Those wishing to register their interest or find out more can email
The Coventry Open 2023 submissions portal is now open until 13 February 2023. Submit your work via our online portal here.
You can also download our Coventry Open Accessible Guide here.
Please check back to this page for further details of their drop-in Q&A sessions as dates are confirmed
Friday 6 January – Submissions open
Saturday 21 January – Access-supported enrolment technology support day at FarGo Village (supported by Art Riot Collective, aimed at those with access needs. Please email for more information)
Saturday 28 January – General enrolment technology support day at the Herbert (open to all)
Monday 13 February – Submissions close
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 March – Artwork drop-in weekend for shortlisted artists
Monday 6 March – Judging day
Thursday 23 March – Launch event
Friday 24 March – Exhibition opens to the public