Visiting Locomotives
The first two visiting locomotives are No. 4079 ‘Pendennis Castle’ and No. 2253 ‘Omaha’.
Home Fleet Locomotives
BR 9F No. 92134 Black 5 No. 44806 Black 5 ‘Eric Treacy’ No. 5428 SR Schools Repton No. 926 | BR Standard 4 Tank No. 80136 J27 No. 65894 Lambton Tank ‘Peggy’ No. 29 Cockerill ‘Lucie’ No. 8 |
The appearance of all locomotives is subject to completion of any required maintenance/overhaul. NYMR reserves the right to alter, cancel or suspend services, allocations and advertised attractions/locomotives.
Timetable & Locomotive Allocations
There will be a special timetable for this event.
Please note loco allocations will not be published until a week prior to the event and are subject to change – please see website for details.